North East Suffolk

GBG Selection & Pub of the Year

Good Beer Guide entries and Pub of the Year for the North East Suffolk branch of CAMRA

Each CAMRA member in our branch area is entitled to take part in the GBG and Pub of the Year (PotY) process and, each year, the branch has to select pubs for inclusion in the GBG for which this branch has an allocation of 12 pubs.

The process normally has three stages.

Stage 1: Nominations for GBG – these should be received by the nominated branch committee members by a given date in December each year. This date can change each year and will be notified to branch members on our regular monthly emails.

The information that you supply will only be used by the North East Suffolk branch of the Campaign for Real Ale for administrative purposes and we will not supply any information to third parties.

Scores from the National Beer Scoring Scheme (NBSS) will also be taken into consideration.

Stage 2: Voting

The branch committee will confirm that each nomination is valid and then create a voting form that will be loaded on to the branch website to enable you to vote for pubs that you feel should be included in the next edition of the Good Beer Guide and also to vote in the Pub of the Year categories.

This will include instructions for branch members to complete the form and will also specify the closing date and options for returning your completed form.

*** The voting form will be available in the Members' Area of this website***

Stage 3: Final list ratified by branch committee at AGM (normally in March each year)

The committee will check each form for completeness and collate totals for each nominated pub. The AGM will be notified that the process has been completed and that the top scoring 12 pubs will be included on the provisional list for inclusion in the next edition of the Good Beer Guide along with reserves (a final list will be produced in accordance with CAMRA's procedures once it is confirmed that the 12 pubs receiving the most votes still meet the criteria for inclusion in the guide).

The winners of our branch Pub of the Year categories will be announced at the AGM. -->